Does that mean that the market figures are wrong, and that people should be avoiding public cloud? Not at all, according to Sanj Juj, Business Development Manager at Tech Data. “The problem is not necessarily with the environment, is it with a mindset that focuses on binary either/or decisions. If organisations believe that they can only have one type of platform, whether on-premises or cloud, then they will come unstuck.”
Part of the challenge lies in whether decision-makers have a full understanding of what is available. Many do not realise that, rather than be limited to one or two options, there are many providers available, with services that may better meet organisational needs.
Part of the challenge lies in whether decision-makers have a full understanding of what is available. Many do not realise that, rather than be limited to one or two options, there are many providers available, with services that may better meet organisational needs. The whole cloud market has matured significantly in the last few years. Where once the only dependable choices may have been with a handful of big-name brands, now there are well regarded, reliable providers offering platforms for almost every eventuality. Public cloud definitely has its benefits, but like any other platform it is not suitable for all eventualities and requirements. Elliott says that “it needs to be looked at as one element, which should be deployed for its strengths, and augmented with other environments, to deliver the best possible outcomes. Fundamentally, the conversation needs to change from one about which platform above all others, to one about deploying the right tool for the job.” But what are those other tools, and how does it all fit together?