Having already established a strong working relationship with Nicholls & Clarke as their ISP, Exponential-e was subsequently selected as their new technology partner, following a rigorous tender process. A dedicated account team was assigned, who immediately began planning for a seamless transition, with zero service disruption.
With a private WAN as the foundation, the full range of connectivity solutions utilised across Nicholls & Clarke's sites include Wi-Fi 6, a guest network, a public guest access network, and a corporate wireless network - all secured by a robust cyber security ecosystem, with compliance and PCI DSS requirements inherent to the design, and fully integrated with their own, hosted ERP systems.
Furthermore, in order to futureproof the entire infrastructure, measures were put in place to prepare for ISDN and PTSN lines being shut off in 2025, to ensure this would not affect the performance and security of Nicholls & Clarke's network, or the exceptional standard of service delivery their customers have come to expect.